I’m pleased to announce that Google selected our project TrueFlu for his #DNIFund.
TrueFlu is a concept currently carried on with passion as an internal side project of VISUP.
The idea is: some movies were praised by critics and blamed by the audience. The same thing may be applied to online news.
TrueFlu measures the trust divide about hot topics by evaluating the ratio between the news reliability and their related social sentiment.
The project aims at giving more insights to journalists when writing about sensitive topics and at limiting the “bandwagon effect” that affects online readers when trying to make their own opinion about very emotional facts.
Nowadays we’re experiencing 3 main ways of reporting a news:
Fake news = reaching readers through fictional content.
Clickbait = reaching readers through misleading heading titles.
Accurate news = reaching readers through valuable content.
Because “page views” is still the metric making a publishing business sustainable, Fake and Clickbait news currently prevail on Accurate ones.
TrueFlu goes beyond the fact-checking format by adding engagement and in-depth qualitative analysis thanks to a data-driven approach: a brand new index resulting from the comparison of multiple algorithms, whose vision is to trigger a “online darwinian selection” that enable accurate news to emerge from the noise.
Let the online debate evolve not by competing for the final answer, but by asking new kinds of questions.
More info here: https://digitalnewsinitiative.com/dni-projects/trueflu-round-4